Facts and Risks of Plastic Surgery

Plastic Surgery

Undoubtedly that the number of request to plastic surgery is continue rise up every year. From the first time initiated until now, plastic surgery become excellent choice for upper middle class. Not only that, a slim pocket groups come along with various ways to be more beautiful in a faster way.

There are a country with a high plastic surgery enthusiast, like America, some country in Asia and Europe like South Korea, India, Greece, Thailand, Colombia, Brazil and Taiwan.

Glimps about plastic surgery
As one of the subsidiary of medical science, plastic surgery is only for repair certain body parts in order to treatment which caused by accident, fiire, harelip, leprosy, exposure of hot water, tumor and others.

But then, plastic surgery began to be used for beautifying like breasts implant, forming the chin, tummy tuck, butt implant, lip implant, liposuction, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty, otoplasty and other.

Various Risks of Plastic Surgery

For some people, plastic surgery can make people confident because her body is sexy and beautiful, but did you know that behind the benefit that promised by plastic surgery also have a dangerous which could come anytime. Plastic surgery is not 100% without risks. 

Here is some risks of plastic surgery :

1. Addicted
Succesfully perform an operation, then someone could be  inspired to do it again in another part. They feel always need a surgery, so all of the body being makeover. Not only once, but many times.
Besides affecting the financial, this action may be higher resiko compared to perform one-time surgery. Imagine that if all body part is operated on cause a deficient reaction to their body. It would be damaged.

2. Worse result
Not all of the surgery is works as we hope. Despite good result it doesn't mean there is no worse result. Even in certain situation, the result would be worst than before surgery.

3. Fail and mistake during surgery
Everything has chance between success and fail. Not a few of surgery is fail. And so, in many cases found a facts that surgery mistake and improper practices by doctors.
In this case, be careful when in doctors selection

4. Risking life
That's plastic surgery, it means that somebody will risking their life on the surgery table. Let themselves being sliced by scalpel. Post-surgery after anesthetic effect is lost then they will the pain.

5. Left by couples
Surgery is done to make more beautiful but maybe some couple didn't like what was done. They feel deceived by artificial beauty which obtained by surgery. They prefer with natural beauty.
Not surprising if some couple more selective in assessing which women are naturally beautiful or beauty from surgery.

6. Reduced health
Some people didn't feel the effect of surgery to their health. However, some feel that plastic surgery interfere their healthy like skin abrasions, infections, backpain, painful, etc.

Remember that everybody will remain age if time has come. Therefore, don't risk your life because beautiful obsession that goes beyond it limits. Hurt yourself to look beautiful isn't true beauty, because beauty is painless.

Facts and Risks of Plastic Surgery

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