These Are 7 Causes Distended Stomach Besides Food

Distended Stomach and Food

Distended Stomach and Food

Distended stomach is the body condition that is often found in the middle of the community. This condition is closely linked to dementia (Alzheimer's disease), diabetes mellitus, hypertension, breast cancer, and heart disease or other cardiovascular disease.
Foods high in calories, fat and food / sweet drink still the number one cause of a protruding belly. But did you know there are still other causes ?

1. Environmental Influences
Researchers say the relationship between a distended abdomen with alcohol and smoking. Alcohol can suppress fat burning. High calories from alcohol is stored mostly as fat in the abdomen, which is often referred to as a beer belly. Smoking cause a hormone imbalance that causes the buildup of fat in the stomach.

2. Lack of Exercise
Not exercising causes the incoming calories from food / beverage stored as fat in the body. People who do not exercise for one year can increase belly fat as much as 25-38%.

3. Lack of sleep
Lack of sleep is very influential on health. This condition can also cause weight gain and fat in the stomach.  Studies show that 1 till 3 of people who sleep under 5 hours tend to gain weight as much as 15 Kg.

Distended Stomach and Food

4. Hormones and Stress
In women, menopause is one reason potbelly. Because of these conditions resulted in a drastic decline in estrogen hormone, so that the fat tends to be stored in the stomach rather than on the hips and thighs.
Stress hormone (cortisol) also play a role in the bloated stomach. When you're stressed, these hormones are produced by the body in excess. This condition triggers fat to be stored in the stomach rather spread throughout the body.

5. Stomach Bacteria.
Hundreds of live bacteria in your stomach, which are most numerous in the colon. This condition is normal and healthy stomach. But the researchers found that obese people had more Firmicutes bacteria, which absorb more calories from food.

6. Body Shape
Body shape also affect the occurrence of a protruding belly. Apple-shaped body is more likely to have a lot of visceral fat stored in the belly than a pear body shape.

7. Heredity / Genetics
The gene is one of the risk factors of obesity or distended stomach. It influences how the fat to be stored in the stomach. Gen also relates to a signal receiver hormone cortisol and leptin, which regulate incoming calories and weight.

Now you already know, right that potbelly is not merely a result of the food ? From now on, apply a healthy lifestyle and exercise regularly, so that you avoid a distended stomach and another health problems. 

Distended Stomach and Food

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