Positive Thinking Make You More Healthy

Positive Thinking Make You More Healthy

In a office, sometimes the worker or employee that have a goodwill  often misunderstood by their boss. Because the different thinking of both side, and they comes "negative thinking" between them. But did you know that some illness come because of suspicious too much.

There is some reason why you have to positive thinking in every cases. One of them is you have to smile and believe that you will get a better life.

These are the reason why you have to positive thinking :

1. Provide a benefits when you learn to love

A study found big correlation between a positive to a relation, because some reason. An optimistic people also happier in a relation than the pessimists who tend to be unhappy. Optimistic works harder on their relation, compare to pessimists

2. Make you live longer

 A research in Netherlands found that a pessimists, 55% more possibly death in period 9 years after research, compare to the pessimists.
This is because, the optimist have a goal that they try to the thing that will make them live longer. They also take care better than themselves and that's why tends for disease like cancer, diabetes, heart problems is decreasing.

3. Increase your immunity

A study that launch in the Brain journal, Behavior, and Immunity ask for 124 volunteer to finish 5 questionnaire and immunity inspection in one year. The optimists have better immunity cell. Another study found that activating brain parts that who related with negative emotion caused weaker immune respond for flu vaccine

4. Decrease your cholesterol

Diet and exercise is the main way to control your cholesterol, but positive thinking is the best one. A study found that optimists have HDL levels which is good cholesterol

5. Protect your heart

A heart problems is the number one of the death around the world. Research shows that people thinking positive, 33% less to get a heart problems and 73% less to get a heart failure.
It's because, optimists better from themselves, with their healthy lifestyle routinely.

6. Handling stress and depression

A research show that people thinking positive can handling a stress, trauma and depression better than people with negative thinking.
Meanwhile, pessimists prefer give up when they face on trouble, think that it's out of their control, optimists try to do everything that they can do to handle that problem.

7. Reduces high blood pressure

A study stating that the optimists have lower blood pressure, and the researchers think that's because they can handle the stress better than the pessimists.

8. Make you look younger

A people over 60 is 80% possibly to develop mobility and functional problem if they pessimists. Another study in England found that, if you think optimists your age will be better than pessimists, and optimists are highly correlated with a healthy aging process

Positive Thinking Make You More Healthy
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