An overweight in children can cause by heredity. Obesity risk in child will higher from the parents that have obesity problem. Other than that, the factor that can cause childhood obesity is dietary habit. In children who have an obesity, they will have no problem about eat, they will continue to eat till hard to control a hunger on themselves. An excessive eating and improper food choices will increase obesity risk.
Some food contains lot of a carbohydrates and fats would endanger like chocolate and candies, drinks and food which contains sugar, junk food, chocolate, cake and the food with nuts and cheese.
For the parents who have a children with obesity so suggest to know the negative effect which ma occur in children. Besides it will make your kid difficult in their activities, obesity also can cause some trouble :
1. Can't manage the diet
An obesity children would usual with a big portion when they eating and otherwise will feel hunger when given a standard portion. This habits would influential as adults so they are more likely to store a fats in themselves
2. The immune system become impaired
An obesity will increase the inflammation risk. These inflammation will affect the brain so the feeling will easily changes and affect the appetite.
3. Respiratory disorders
3. Respiratory disorders
A child with obesity more risk having a respiratory disorders. The child more likely snoring and easily tired so easily sleep at daytime.
Some dangerous disease caused by obesity is cardiovascular, astmha, cancer, high blood pressure, and liver. Childhood obesity not only make them risked to any disease but also to their psychological like depression.
4. More risked to a dangerous disease
Prevention to childhood obesity are let them do a physical. Avoid their freetime for just sit down in front of the computer or playing games.
Here is some acitivities to do :
1. Age 1 - 3 Years
Invite your child to play run, climb, and jump. Invite your child to hit, throw, catch, and roll so you child not boring to just sit down.
2. Age 3 - 5 Years
Invite to do more activities, You can teach them a physical activities and train their stability and control a movement with bicycling
Here is some acitivities to do :
1. Age 1 - 3 Years
Invite your child to play run, climb, and jump. Invite your child to hit, throw, catch, and roll so you child not boring to just sit down.
2. Age 3 - 5 Years
Invite to do more activities, You can teach them a physical activities and train their stability and control a movement with bicycling