7 Benefits of Papaya
1. Keep your eye healthy.
Papaya believed can keep your eyes healthy and can make your eyes clear and beautiful, this is because papaya has high and good vitamin A which is good for healthy and eyes, if you have a job of facing monitor screen then a risk to your eyes will higher, then consume a fruit enough and you also can consume a papaya to keep your eyes.
2. Keep and improving digestion
If you difficulty on constipation, then papaya is the solution to accelerate your digestive system, maybe many people don't know about this way. This is because papaya contains a fiber to accelerate your digestive system. How this fiber works ?
The working of this fiber is, to accelerate the process of digestion of proteins so that constipation will be smooth.3. Prevent free radicals

If your body attacked by free radicals, then body health will disrupted and one of it is skin. Skin will be wrinkled and will look like an old man. If you don't want this happen to you and want to look a beautiful then get used to consume a papaya routinely, because a papaya contains an antioxidant which could prevent free radicals.

Papaya also contains Papain enzym which is a resolvent that could cure the wound, like burns. That substances can prevent the swelling on the wound and also can get rid of scars.
5. Natural facial whitening

This fruit often used as ingredients for beautiful aid. If you have dull face and want to make it clean and white, you also can use a papaya without go to the dermatologist and you don't need to spend a lot of money, you just need a fresh papaya, wash it clean and puree it's pulp, and after that apply to your face and wait more or less 30 minutes, do this way routinely for the best result.
6. Remove the black spots

Black spots on the face was really very disturbing out confident when we are with the one we love. You can use this way to remove black spots to your face to look pretty and clean. How to make is, mix a papaya which already refined with milk or honey sufficiently, then mix it well and apply to your face, do this routinely to remove black spots quickly and you will look beautiful without black spots.
7. Treat toothache

You can use papaya leaves as toothache medicine, how to make is, prepare young papaya leaves take it's sap using a cotton and stick it on the sore tooth.