Meningitis In Adults
Meningitis, is one of the brain human disease, According to the experts, meningitis can attack human brain because of bacteria or fungus which attacks brain membrane.
Brain membrane is a part to lining the brain. So, when that layer get disrupted, automatically the nerve system of your brain also can be disrupted. For those of you who are curious to know about this disease, watch these information
Meningitis in Adults
Headache suddenly and you don't know what cause is. Then, you got fever, often feeling tired, nausea, puke, confuse, sleepy and also decreased appetite.
As you know, sometimes the patients didn't the disease on their own body. Maybe the main symptoms appear already, but the patient try not to feel it. Think that symptoms is just a normal.
And after a serious symptoms of meningitis happens to you like fever in neck, neck muscles will be stiff, and more often you got a headache. There is something that you had to know, meningitis can attack anyone, toddler, young, adult, or even the elder. But, it most happen to toddler and adults. But, however the adults should be aware the symptoms of meningitis.
Meningitis in adults, usually known after do some checkup to the doctor, physical checkup, lab checkup consist of blood test, roentgen, check fluid of brain membrane. And after the doctor diagnose is proven, soon you can get meningitis treatment.
But, if you can't feel meningitis symptoms, it's better if you do a prevention on this disease. There are several ways you can do to prevent a virus come to your brain membrane.
#1. Keep cleanness, like wash your hand and feet before eating, clean your nail, and others.
#2. Cover your nose when cough or sneezing so the virus not easily enter the brain.
#3. Avoid use a stuff at the same time like glass, plate, towel and others
#4. Wash your hand after defecating.
#5. Use antibiotics when you do an activity with people were convicted of meningitis virus.
After you know the symptoms of meningitis, at least you can do a prevention early after read this post. Isn't that prevent is better than treatment. But if you already feel the symptoms on your body, then you have do some treatment soon. Treatment early of course make the patient cured from meningitis faster isn't it ?
So, be aware to the symptoms of meningitis fro right now, so that you can decide what you have to do.
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