6 Potent Natural Medicine For Diabetes

6 Potent Natural Medicine For Diabetes
Natural Medicine for Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease which caused by lack of insulin, it's because the body unable to maximize performance of insulin. This disease, if you not treated promptly then it will cause symptoms like weight loss, blurred vision, wound difficult to heal, headache and itchy.

If you more ignored it, then the bad effect this disease could cause a risk for long-term disease complication. For that, i will share to you some natural diabetes from natural traditional materials you could make at home. Here's some diabetes medicine you could use.

1. Noni Fruits

Noni fruits contains a lot of Proxeroni which is a substances that could mold an alkaloid to open pores cell, so the nutrition will easy absorbs into the body. This capability could a noni fruit good enough to be used for a diabetes medicine.

How to use :
Take 1 noni fruits
Blend it, then squeeze it's extract
Put the extract into a glass
If you can't stand with the smell, you can add some honey.

2. Turmeric

Turmeric is very easy to be found in the tropical climates. Therefore, this could be the most natural medicine for diabetes. You could use this as an alternative solution to treat your diabetes.

How to use:
Take 1 rhizome and add a spoon of salt.
Then boiled in 1 liter of water
Filter the water and stay till cool.
After that, drink the water just a half of glass
Drink regularly twice a weeks

With this way, your sugar levels will stabilize thus preventing complication of others disease.

3. God's crown treatment

Another herbs which could handle diabetes is god's crown. Even, the popularity of this plant is increase because the benefits are so important in the treatment of various disease. Also, to cure diabetes with this plant isn't so hard.
How to use :
Prepare 3 - 5 pieces of stalk of god's crown
Then, add 3 bay leaves and clean it
Boil it with 3 glasses until the water just only half glass
Drink the water everyday

You can try the tips to make a natural diabetes medicine at your home

4. With 'heart-leaved moonseed' plants

This medicinal plants known since a long time ago. It's bitter taste often use as mixture of herbs. It's highly potent to treat various disease make this plants is very popular in a country with tropical climates. One of the magical benefits is to cure diabetes. Recipe of diabetes from this plants is very easy to be made.

How to make
Take 10 cm stems of this plant.
Add a handful of papaya roots and boil 2 natural ingrediants.

Boil it and let it cool after that you can drink it

5. Basil leaves

Basil leaves is one of the natural plants which could handle diabetes. This leaves usually used as vegetable foods. But behind that, the benefits is also to cure the diabetes. Basil leaves contains a substances which could help insulin secretion process of the body, so your sugar levels will keep stabilized. How to consumed is just be eaten in raw conditon.

6. Beans

Beans also become one of the effective diabetes medicine, this is because the substances of B-sitosterol on the beans could accelerate the production of insulin of the body, but it keep the insulin levels. Beans could reduce blood sugar if you can process them correctly

How to make :
Prepare 1/2 Kg and clean it
Boil it with 2 glasses of water
After that, lift it and put into a glass.
Drink it in the morning and night before sleep.

That's my tips to make a natural medicine for diabetes, especially diabetes

6 Potent Natural Medicine For Diabetes
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