Best Sources of Calcium For Your Baby

Best Sources of Calcium For Baby

Best Sources of Calcium For Baby

Calcium is one of the substances that are crucial for the growth and development of infants. Besides a role in the growth process of bones and teeth, calcium is also functioning in blood clotting, the performance of the nervous system, as well as heart and muscle contraction.
Babies need about 250 grams of calcium a day. If calcium intake is less than the number of the needs, the baby's growth can be stunted.

At the age of 0-6 months, babies only obtain nutrients from breast milk or formula. In this period, calcium obtained in sufficient quantities from the milk intake. However, when a baby at the age of 7 months, then breast milk alone is not enough to be given solid foods. To ensure an adequate calcium intake during this period, you need to identify and select a good, solid foods, including calcium source.

The main source of calcium are milk and derivative products such as cheese, butter (not margarine), and yoghurt. Calcium can also be found in green vegetables, legumes, nuts, broccoli, cabbage, tofu.

Other calcium sources are animals that are eaten with bones such as anchovies, sardines and presto. In addition to natural source, calcium can also be obtained from the instant solid foods fortified with calcium or calcium supplementation. As an illustration, the amount of calcium contained in these foods, here is the list :

- Milk 1 cup (200 ml) contains 220 grams of calcium.
- Medium size of tofu containing 124 grams of calcium.
- Soy beans (1 cup) contains 55 grams of calcium.
- Anchovy (1 oz) containing 1200 grams of calcium.

Keep in mind that in addition to calcium, there are other nutrients that are also important foe the baby. Whether it macronutrient (carbohydrate, protein, and fat) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). 
Let's select solids nutritionally balanced, so that infant can growth optimally.

Best Sources of Calcium For Baby

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