Toxic Chemicals Which Often Found In Home - Part 2

Toxic Chemicals Which Often Found in Home

Part 2

Read Also : Toxic Chemicals Which Often Found In Home - Part 1
Here's the part 2 of toxic chemicals' list :

5. Toluene
Found in : paint, rubber, dyes, glue, printing

Toluene is a solvent excellent agent for paints, lacquers, thinners and adhesives, The most common route of exposure through inhalation. Toluene poisoning symptoms include CNS effects (headache, dizziness, ataxia, drownsiness, euphoria, hallucinations, tremors, convulsions, and coma), ventricular arrhythmias, chemical pneumonia, respiratory depression, nausea, vomiting, and electrolyte imbalance. People who are affected by exposure to light of toluene vapors don't pose a risk of acute poisoning.
Alternative : Check the paint label if you use products containing toluene. If yes, open any air vents wide open in order to allow the smooth exchange of fresh air. Polishing the paint for any furniture or other household equipment in the open air (the park or the street front of the house) to prevent the paint releasing harmful gases that can settle in the house.

6. Xylene
Found in : motor vehicle exhaust emissions, paints, varnishes, nail polish, adhesives, rubber cement.

Light to moderate exposure to steam heat xylene can cause red eye, swollen, watery, blurred vision, and / or a mild skin irritation, such as redness and swelling rash, skin feels dry and itchy, irritation of the nose and throat. Exposure to xylene in large quantities is dangerous, because it can cause depression of the central nervous system that causes nausea and vomiting and headache and dizzy, to liver and kidney damage, loss of consciousness, respiratory system failure, even death.
Alternative : Check the paint label if you use products containing xylene. If yes, open any air vents widely to fresh air filtration. Polishing the paint for any furniture or other household equipment in the open air (the park or the street front of the house) to prevent the paint releasing harmful gases that can settle in the house. Never allow a car to start the engine in a closed garage.

Read Also : Toxic Chemicals Which Often Found In Home - Part 1

7. Phtalate
Found in : tiles, shower curtains, synthetic leather, household utensils made of vinyl PVC (to make plastics flexible and clay), air freshener products (Phtalate used to keep perfume doesn't evaporate), nail polish, paint, lacquer furniture, cling wrap and plastic food containers.

The study revealed that boys, born to mothers with high phtalate concentration in the system is suffering from the disorder on their genitals. These chemicals interfere with testosterone and estradiol, hormones that affect breast development. Studies have found that women with breast cancer have a higher phtalate levels than women who didn't have cancer.
Alternative : Avoid any air freshener containing synthetic fragrances, for example, a new lime or aerosol sprays. Avoid household utensils are made from vinyl, and always keep your food in glass containers, ceramic, or stainless steel.

8. Bisphenol A (BPA)
Found in : canned food containers, household utensils made of plastic, plastic drinking bottle production time (before 2012), baby bottles old model (before 2011).

BPA production actually began in 1930 as a synthetic estrogen given to women. So, it's not surprising that exposure to these chemicals leads to hormonal changes, such as decreased sperm production, early puberty in girls, and infertility in adults. Laboratory studies also suspected that BPA exposure in high concentrations can cause miscarriage. BPA also interfere with the metabolism of the body and plays a role in heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.
Alternative : Always prioritize buying food fresh or frozen rather than canned food. You also can limit the risk of additional exposure by rejecting unnecessary purchases receipt price.

Pollution in the household can you evade by placing houseplants freshener in strategic places. 

Read Also : Toxic Chemicals Which Often Found In Home - Part 1

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