These Doping Drugs Is Dangerous For Athletes

These Doping Drugs Is Dangerous For Athletes

These Doping Drugs Is Dangerous For Athletes

A professor of Russian named Rodchenkov researching drugs used doping athletes, especially athletes doping scandal-hit Russia. Rodchenkov expert in analytical chemistry conducted experiments on doping that contain anabolic steroids.

What are anabolic steroids ?

Anabolic steroids are a type of performance-enhancing drugs. They mimic testosterone in the body to improve performance by making the muscle cells are larger and allow the body to recover more quickly from exercise stress. Slang for anabolic steroids are roids.

Performance-enhancing drugs is no longer just for bodybuilders or pro athlete who is willing to try illegal and dangerous ways to improve the functioning of their bodies. These drugs are being used every day by people of all ages, from middle school, high school and college students to older recreational athletes.

This anabolic steroid produced from testosterone to increase muscle of the body and make the body quickly recovered. She dissolves into whiskey doping (for male athletes) and vermouth, (for female athletes).

And of course you will be surprised, that drug doping blended whiskey and vermouth bad for the health of athletes at risk.

These Doping Drugs Is Dangerous For Athletes


Doping drugs tested on animals does increase muscle mass and create more power. But metenolone actually bad for the health of athletes at risk. Athletes will experience infertility.


These drugs are usually used in livestock to increase muscle growth and appetite. However, trenbolone been classified as level III drugs potentially be misused to humans. Ban issued Drug Enforcement Administration, United States.


Oxandrolone is currently used in hospitals to help patients gain weight after injury or illness. But this risk of fatal drug doping which resulted in damage to the liver and spleen.

These Doping Drugs Is Dangerous For Athletes
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