As a parents of course we want our child always be happy and healthy. But many various of virus out there that always can make our child sick. For that we share some tips so your child not easily to get sick, especially in a rain season
1. Your child active everyday
Some research shows that if a light exercise is done routinely everyday can decrease the risk for your Kid from flu, because the active body's metabolism can increase the circulation of immunity against virus infection. Let them everyday so your kid not easily to get sick.
2. Enough to Sleep
Average of the toddlers need a sleeping time for 11-13 hours / day. After they active everyday, they will easy to sleep at night. But if they didn't get it enough, the risk of disease higher twice. So if you want your kid not sick, make sure they have got enough to sleep
3. Make a Wash Hands as a Habit
Teach them to be always wash their hands with soap after play, from school, or other activities.Out there there are many viruses that can't see by eyes and it easily stick to them. When you're on the way where it is hard to get water, it's better to always bring the gel hand sanitizer in your bag.
4. Avoid Them to Touch The Face
Viruses usually come to their body from eyes, nose, ears, and mouth. To prevent it from their hands that easily contaminated from the outside, Teach them to not always touch their face. It can keep them to get sick.
5. Serves a Healthy and Nutritious Food
Serves only a healthy and nutritious foods, included fruit and vegetables with various color. That kind of fruit & vegetables are rich of vitamins and minerals that can increase the immune system in their body
6. Don't Skip Nutritious Breakfast
Empty stomach when they go to school can decrease their concentration, and also make them catch a cold. Make sure their breakfast is very nutritious. Because the breakfast is very important for their healthy
7. Give a Flu Vaccine And Other Immunization
A general disease that can easily make them sick is flu. This can be easily spread to them if their immunity is down. A vaccine flu is one of the effective way so your kid not easily to get flu. Otherwise since their born, follow the immunization program, so your kid more immune from a general disease