4 Types of Sport Safe For Heart Failure Patients

Sports For Heart Failure Patients

Sports For Heart Failure Patients

Not all sports can be done by people who suffer from heart failure conditions. But actually there are some sports that are safe and can be performed, ie aerobic.

"Daily aerobic activity done in a reasonable amount, can be beneficial and can improve better outcomes for patients with heart disease." said professor of medicine at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, Zubin Eapen, MD.

Experts advise to warm up for 5 to 10 minutes of stretching before starting aerobic exercise, and don't forget to cool down after exercise. "In general, do 25-35 minutes a couple of aerobic activity low level - not once or twice a week - every day." said the head of the division of cardiology-medicine at Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago, Clyde W. Yancy, MD.
Here are some kind of aerobic exercise or sport that is safe to do for people with heart failure :

1. Walk
Top picks for aerobic activities are walking, because this exercise requires only a pair of sneakers. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), brisk walking can provide the same health such as running, because it strengthens the heart muscle and lower cholesterol levels. Even walking activity can also be done by bringing your dog walks, or park the car wy from the entrance to the mall or supermarket. "The idea is to stand and move, as well as incorporating physical activity as a routine part of your lifestyle." said Yancy.

2. Swim
Swimming is one of the best exercise to strengthen your heart and your lungs, "Even if you're not a swimmer though, there are many creative ways in the pool. Try walking in the shallow area of the pool or doing water aerobics lightweight. These activities are not only good for cardiovascular fitness, because from the perspective or orthopedics, floating pillow will also help your joints," said Yancy.

Sports For Heart Failure Patients

3. Cycling
Stationary bike is often recommended for patients with heart failure, especially those who have excess weight. This exercise will strengthen the heart and lungs without putting pressure on your back, hips, knees or ankles. But Yancy warned, if you want cycling to the outside, don't exercise when the weather is hot, humid, or very cold, because extreme temperatures can  interfere with blood circulation and makes it difficult to breathe. Also make sure the body remains well hydrated, but be careful not to consume excessive fluid.

4. Tennis
If your doctor has allow you to still be able to do the sport of tennis, why not ? Even a small study published in June 2013 in the Journal of Sports Science and Medicine in patients with low risk of having a heart attack, found that exercise program of tennis that has been modified to produce physiological changes in the patient, "There is a chance (reducing) the risk of cardiovascular," the researchers wrote.

The researches propose the development of a cardiac rehabilitation program based on the specific sport, as an alternative form of exercise usually (stationary bikes, treadmills, etc). They think if they can make more fun, it will be more patients will follow the rehabilitation program.

Sports For Heart Failure Patients

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