Pneumonia World Day : Prevent Pneumonia With These Food

Pneumonia World Day : Prevent Pneumonia With These Food

Prevent With These Food !!!

You can prevent pneumonia symptom with consuming various healthy food. Think a food that enough of nutrition for you, especially for lung health.

Here is for kind of foods that could increase your lung health. Watch it out guys !!!

1. Various Color of Fruit and Vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables is the biggest antioxidant which could help the body against infection disease like pneumonia. You have to consumed it to increase immune of the body. In a day, try to multiply eat an orange, green leaves vegetables, tomatoes, apple or pumpkin..

2. Grains

Foods from grains give you a intake of carbohydrate, vitamin B, minerals and antioxidant. Each of them is useful to give an energy to the body. Like an example, a healthy grains is like wheat bread, rice, corn, red rice, etc.

Pneumonia World Day : Prevent Pneumonia With These Food

3. Protein Source.

In this part, protein has important role to fix the system and body immune. Choose protein source with low fat like peanuts, red meat, fish, and egg. All of those food can against respiration infection like pneumonia.

4. Drink Water.

The University of Maryland Medical Center recommend to drink 6 - 10 glass of water, juice, and tea in a day. Various milk products, soy, or almond milk is also good to increase your lung health.

Pneumonia World Day : Prevent Pneumonia With These Food

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