Which one is healthier ? Green tea or Black tea ?

Which one is healthier ? Green tea or Black tea ?

Green tea VS Black tea

Tea, this great beverages have long been known to store health benefit in it. There are a lot kind of tea which already to nourish your body. That's it ! green tea and black tea is an example. If green tea already famous about it's benefit, then black tea also rise up because it's healthy content within.

According to you, which one is more healthy ?
Green tea or Black tea ?

Green tea so named, because the tea leaves not pass many fermentation process so still make it green and rich of EGCG substances (gallate epigallactocatechin). This natural substances is very popular against cancer and prevent other cardiovascular disease. Moreover, green tea contains 1/4 of caffeine than usual. 
Here is healthy benefit that you can get from green tea.

#Green tea is considered to have a more positive effect than black tea, not to mention the delicious taste that is considered more
#Help to loss your weight effectively
#Green tea is good to treat insomnia
#Green tea have detoxifying characteristic so it can make the skin more beautiful
#Increase metabolism system of the body
#Strengthen body immunity

Meanwhile in black tea, the EGCG substance is destroyed through the process of fermentation. Therefore, if we see a quality of antioxidant substance in it, then green tea is better than black tea. Although, this is the benefit of black tea.

#Able to hydrating body well
#Increase bloodstream to the brain
#Black tea very good to protect yourself from heart disease and cancer
#Strengthen immune system with it's antioxidant
#Increase focus and concentration
#High caffeine so that it can keep you awake

Side effect.

#Who has high blood pressure, it's better to avoid black tea.
#Black tea contains caffeine which could worsen the high blood pressure.
#Caffeine is also not good for people who have problems with calcium absorption

Both green tea and black tea are rich in vitamins and minerals. Vitamins contained in tea are abundant in vitamin C.
Additionally, by drinking 2-3 cups of tea everyday, your body will get a significant intake of vitamins B1, B2, B6, folic acid, and so forth.

That's healthy information about advantages and disadvantages of green tea and black tea that you have to know, Each kind does have disadvantages, but there are many healthy benefits you can get

Which one is healthier ? Green tea or Black tea ?

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