Tips to Choose Child's Toys

Tips to Choose Child's Toys

Tips to Choose Child's Toys

For children, play isn't merely an activity to filling time. Your child's toys can be used as a means to explore and learn.

Choose toys that are age-appropriate, because it is very important for safety while playing.

Here are some options toys by age :

1. Baby - 1 year
For baby until his/her age one year, toys used as a means to enable exploration of the five sense. Most of the toys is only for triggers the baby to bite, reaching or dropping objects.
Recommended toys is the toys that emit the song which usually hung over where the baby sleep, it's used to stimulate his/her eyes and interest. But be careful not to put it too lose to the baby's face. And then the glass made of plastic but enough clear to reflect the faces. This helps the baby recognize his/her own face and body.

There are also a colorful socks or wristbands with a variety of toys that attach to cause noise to stimulate the sense of hearing. In addition, now also available books made of cloth with a variety of images that can stimulate the child's vision.

When the child is able to sit, ring stack toys, which can be rearranged many times can be given. These games can train fine motor skills and learn about the color and the number on the circle.

Aged 1- 3 years

At this time, children learn to recognize the surrounding environment by trying to figure out how things works that he/she meets. It's very good to stimulate though, fine motor skills, and strengthen muscles. The toys are suitable for use at the age of 1-3 years are block with a variety of shapes that can be arranged. This game stimulate eye coordination, and develop the ability to solve the problems, So a 3 years old children became interested with simple puzzle and know about shapes and can be input into the match hole of shapes

Parents can start to train using crayons in a picture book. Select a crayon with the basic ingredients are safe. A professions games where child can imitate doing a job under a particular profession. For example, pretending to be a chef, doctors, teachers, and others, help the development of emotional intelligence, social skills training, and teaching them to take care of things that they like.

Parents also can provide toys that are more challenging when the 3-year-old child, such as a tricycle. Or push toys which stimulate the child to concentrate on running while lying on the toy. While the ball can be used to train agility and eye coordination.

Tips to Choose Child's Toys

Aged 3-5 years 

When your child aged 3-5 years, they begin to use toys and objects in the vicinity for the a special purpose. In this age, they have high imagination. In fact, simple materials such as blankets laid out on the table could be the secret house. Or toy wax or clay to be shaped such that a favorite food.

That's why the right toys for children aged 3-5 years, among others, play a particular role, for example by using a fireman costume for boy or a mother cooking costume for the girls.

Another toys that has been known previously children such as drawing, using building blocks and puzzles can still be given. Must be adjusted to the child's ability.

Aged 5 > years

Some children at this time are already active in the school. Their understanding about the environment have been much better. Currently children under mastering new skills like catching a ball or a plait of others.

Children are also beginning to show interest in them, ranging from hobby to read or desire to learn a musical instrument. Motor skills such as riding a two-wheeled bicycle would be more refined.
Some other toys that are more challenging children active, for example, invites cycling in the wild. These games encourage body coordination, motor development, and problem solving skills. Play cards or board toys (snakes and ladders, monopoly) is very good for children to learn about the rules, strategy, waiting for their turn, cooperation and good sportsmanship.

Currently the children have started to learn a musical instrument such as the violin, piano, guitar r other musical instruments. In addition, a set of scientific instruments or binoculars can be used if the child is interested in the field who will train the ability to solve problems, create inventions, as well as sharpening the imagination.

In addition to notice the right kind of toys by age, it's very important to pay attention of the material, color, or form of the toys that might be risking injury to the child. Don't miscast, make toys as a learning tool that is fun and educational.

Tips to Choose Child's Toys
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